Where is my order shipped from?

We provide worldwide shipping! USA orders will be shipped from the US warehouse nearest to you, other countries orders will be shipped from Hong Kong and carried by DHL, FedEx, UPS, USPS, DPD, or Registered postal service according your address. Following is the estimated delivery time for reference.

Free shipping For USA Orders:

Your Address Shipping Location Delivery Estimated
United States USA 5-7 Business Days
Europe (Including UK) Hong Kong 7-15 Business Days
Canada Hong Kong 7-15 Business Days
Australia Hong Kong 7-15 Business Days
Philippines Hong Kong 7-15 Business Days
Other Countries Hong Kong 12-25 Business Days


US expedited delivery service $4.99: 1-3 Business Days

*Please note that in case of weekends, holidays, or special situations such as earthquakes, heavy rain, tornadoes, etc., shipping times may be delayed. We appreciate your understanding.

Order Processing Time

All our order are processed and shipped out within 24-72 hours (excluding weekends, holidays and some special circumstances).

After the order is shipped out and received by the carrier, we will update you by email with tracking number which you can keep trace of your package and see the estimated delivery date.

*Note:Please allow 24-48 hours for the tracking information to update.

Shipping Address Change & Order Cancel

If you would like to change the shipping address for your order, please contact us by email at marketing@cgsulit.com with the new shipping address. Once the order is shipped, we can not alter the shipping address anymore.

If you want to cancel the order,please email us before we ship it out.Once the order is shipped,we can not cancel the order.

International Shipping Duties & Taxes

- For international order. If the items don't ship from your local warehouse in your country/ region, you, the customer, will be responsible for the import duty.

For more details of the Import Tax, please visit Import Duty

Returns, Refunds, and Exchanges

We provide a 30-Day Returns Service after delivery, If you are not satisfied with the item you bought or change your mind, please contact us for a return shipping address and ship all the items back to us for a refund in their original package.

For more details of the return policy, please visit our Return Policy